Regular depollution

Floating waste is constantly being "renewed": whether it's waste arriving from land after a climatic event, or waste that has sailed at sea, which clumps together and washes up on the shore, it has to be constantly collected to prevent it from fragmenting into micro-plastics.

Collection of all types of marine waste, whether floating or beached.

On-board waste characterization and sorting on sorting table

Collection of microplastics down to 300 microns with manta net.

Compliance with DCSMM scientific protocols

Plastic clean-up days in the colors of foundations or companies wishing to get involved in the fight against ocean pollution. Here, the princely foundations of Monaco

Emergency response

Like forest fires, it's essential to be able to intervene as quickly as possible to limit the impact of pollution. It is very important to alert a competent service that will be able to give instructions and/or intervene within minutes of a spill. 

EKKOPOL provides an emergency number to put port managers in touch with a trained oil spill response manager. This person will advise on the procedure to be followed, and will decide with the the means to be implemented.

Scientific data

There's pollution you can see, and pollution you can't see. EKKOPOL uses state-of-the-art probes to measure physico-chemical parameters and provide real-time data to water managers. managers.

pH, salinity, TDS, Turbidity, DSO, Redox, chlorophyll-a, NH4, hydrocarbon,.... are just some of the parameters measured. These data can be accessed from any platform (desktop, smartphone, tablet).